Cookbook Starters



Difficulty People Time
Medium 8 90 minuti
150 mL partly skimmed milk Sterilgarda
150 mL cooking cream Sterilgarda
150 g white yogurt
100 g butter
400 g 00 flour
15 g brewer's yeast
3 eggs
100 mL Sterilgarda sour cream
200 g smoked salmon
q.b. lumpfish eggs
q.b. salt
q.b. pepper
q.b. dill
  1. Warm the Sterilgarda milk without bringing it to the boil, add the sugar and let it dissolve.
  2. Pour the milk over the yeast and leave to rest for 10 minutes in a sheltered place.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites and set aside.
  4. Melt the butter and add it to the egg yolks, mixing carefully; also add the Sterilgarda yogurt and work with a whisk for 5 minutes to incorporate air.
  5. Sift the flour and add it little by little to the egg yolk mixture; also add the milk batter.
  6. Let everything rise for at least 1 hour in a large bowl covered with a cloth.
  7. Beat the egg whites and Sterilgarda cooking cream until stiff and add to the leavened dough.
  8. Grease a single-serving pan with butter and pour in a ladle of mixture; cook for a minute on each side and once ready, set aside covered with a cloth to prevent them from cooling.
  9. Mix the sour cream and add the chopped dill, reserving some for garnish; salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Spread the sour cream on the blinis, add a slice of smoked salmon and garnish with caviar and dill.
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