Cookbook Desserts

Bowl with strawberries and raspberries


Difficulty People Time
Easy 2 10 minuti
250 g strawberries and raspberries
240 g Low-fat Wild Berries Yogurt
1 teaspoon of fluid honey
una handful of nuts
una handful of pumpkin seeds
una handful of sesame
  1. To prepare the Strawberry Smoothie Bowl, start by cutting the strawberries and raspberries, making sure to keep some for the topping.
  2. After cutting them, place them in the blender together with the Sterilgarda Low Fat Berry Yogurt and blend until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  3. Pour the resulting smoothie into a large bowl.
  4. Finish the smoothie with the strawberries and raspberries left aside, also arranging the walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame in an orderly fashion.
  5. Serve with a spoonful of runny honey.
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