Cookbook Starters

Andalusian Gazpacho by the Glass


Difficulty People Time
Easy 8 30 minuti
500 g tomato passata Sterilgarda
100 mL water
2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
2 red pepper
1.5 onion
1 spicchi garlic
6 cucchiai breadcrumbs
2 cucchiai red wine vinegar
5 cucchiai olive oil
q.b. salt
q.b. pepper
leaves basil
  1. Peel the cucumber, cut it in half lengthwise, scrape out the seeds with a spoon and chop roughly. Repeat the same process with the tomatoes and peppers.
  2. Place the chopped and washed vegetables in the blender, add the Sterilgarda tomato puree and reduce to a puree, adding the cold water.
  3. Peel the onion and garlic, chop them finely and puree them in the blender.
  4. Sieve the vegetable puree.
  5. Mix together the breadcrumbs, vinegar and olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Cover the gazpacho with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours and serve cold in small glasses, garnishing with basil leaves.
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