Cookbook First Courses

Cream and pea soup

First Courses

Difficulty People Time
Easy 4 45 minuti
1 Kg peas
20 g cooking cream Sterilgarda
30 g extra virgin olive oil
100 g white onion
50 g parmesan flakes
400 g vegetable broth
to taste table salt
to taste black pepper
to taste bread croutons
  1. Prepare the vegetable broth.
  2. When ready, slice the onion.
  3. In a pan, heat the oil slightly over low heat and add the onion.
  4. Let the onion wilt slightly over low heat, stirring often to prevent it from burning.
  5. Add the peas (fresh or frozen, the procedure will be the same), salt, pepper and mix everything together.
  6. Leave to cook for about 5 minutes, then cover with 350 g of vegetable stock (keep 50 g aside).
  7. Continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes, then turn off the heat and using an immersion blender, blend everything, gradually adding the vegetable stock kept aside until it reaches a smooth consistency and the desired density.
  8. Add the Sterilgarda cooking cream (keeping a little aside to garnish at the end), turn the heat back on and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, stirring often.
  9. Transfer the pea cream into a sieve and sift it.
  10. Plate the pea cream soup, garnishing it with the previously stored Sterilgarda cooking cream, parmesan flakes and bread croutons to taste.
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