Cookbook Desserts



Difficulty People Time
Medium 4 80 minuti
5 yolks
240 mL whipping cream Sterilgarda
250 mL partly skimmed milk Sterilgarda
200 g berries
100 g cane sugar
1 baccelli vanilla
peel orange fruit juice Sterilgarda
  1. Blend the Sterilgarda whipping cream with the Sterilgarda semi-skimmed milk.
  2. Combine the egg yolks and 80g of brown sugar.
  3. Flavour the cream obtained by grating the zest of an orange.
  4. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, scrape out the inside with a knife and add the removed seeds to the mixture.
  5. Cook the cream in a bain-marie over low heat, stirring until the ladle becomes cloudy and being very careful not to let it boil; remove from the heat.
  6. Spread the cream into the appropriate buttered cocotte dishes and cook in a bain-marie in a preheated oven at 150° for approximately 40 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the cream with the remaining brown sugar and caramelize in the oven with the grill function on only.
  8. Allow to cool, decorate with berries and serve.
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