Cookbook Desserts

Mont Blanc


Difficulty People Time
Easy 4 55 minuti
700 g boiled chestnuts or marrons
500 mL Sterilgarda microfiltered whole milk
200 g sugar
210 mL whipping cream Sterilgarda
1 sachets of vanilla
60 g dark chocolate
30 mL rum
2 ready sponge cake discs
q.b. cake moisturizer
q.b. whipping cream Sterilgarda
q.b. marron glacé to decorate
  1. Place the chestnuts in a large pot, cover with Sterilgarda Whole Milk and 100 ml of Sterilgarda Whipping Cream. Cook over low heat until the chestnuts are completely broken down – this will take about 20 minutes.
  2. When they are almost ready, add the sugar, let it melt and turn off the heat.
  3. Blend with a hand blender, add the sifted cocoa, the remaining Sterilgarda Whipping Cream, the rum and the vanilla. The mixture should be a fairly solid paste: if it is too liquid, thicken it.
  4. Compact the mixture and let it cool before transferring it to a potato masher.
  5. On a serving dish, place a disk of sponge cake (to reduce the time you can also use the ready-made one), moisten it with the cake syrup and fill it with plenty of whipped Sterilgarda Whipping Cream.
  6. Repeat for another layer.
  7. Take the potato masher and start squeezing the chestnut paste, letting the mixture fall directly onto the cake. This way it will take on the characteristic appearance that distinguishes it.
  8. As a final decoration, complete your Mont Blanc cake with some marron glacé.
  9. Leave to rest in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
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