Cookbook Desserts

Victoria Sandwich


Difficulty People Time
Medium 6 50 minuti
200 g 00 flour
200 g butter
200 g sugar
4 egg
50 mL whole milk microfiltered Sterilgarda
8 g baking powder
1 pizzico table salt
1 baccelli vanilla
250 g fresh spreadable cheese
250 g mascarpone cheese Sterilgarda
q.b. vanilla essence
30 g powdered sugar
120 g raspberries
300 g raspberry jam
1 cucchiai powdered sugar
  1. Start preparing the Victoria Sandwich by placing the softened butter, sugar and seeds of a vanilla pod in a bowl.
  2. Beat with the whisk attachment of a mixer until the mixture becomes light and frothy.
  3. Add the eggs at room temperature one at a time, beating with the whisk and allowing the first egg to be well absorbed into the mixture before adding the next.
  4. Using a ladle, mix together the flour and yeast, previously mixed and sifted, and a pinch of salt, alternating with the addition of milk.
  5. Mix the ingredients well and pour equal quantities into two greased and floured 22 cm diameter cake tins.
  6. Level the mixtures in the two cake tins and then bake in a static oven already heated to 180° for approximately 20 minutes.
  7. Remove the bases from the oven and leave to cool completely.
  8. Prepare the cream for the Victoria Sandwich filling by combining the Sterilgarda Mascarpone and the spreadable cheese in a bowl.
  9. Mix the two fresh cheeses well to soften them, adding a few drops of vanilla extract and the sifted icing sugar.
  10. Cover one of the two bases with the fresh cheese cream and sprinkle the surface with the raspberry jam and fresh raspberries.
  11. Cover everything with the other base just like a sandwich.
  12. Sprinkle icing sugar over the surface of the Victoria Sandwich.
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